还在为 4.3 被拒而烦恼?这十个步骤让你的 App 顺利过审!

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最近有大批开发者遇到了因为审核条款 4.3(后文统一简称 4.3)被 App Store 拒绝的情况。这种情况常见于大家上传马甲包的时候,苹果因为 App Store 已经有了(很多的)相似应用将马甲包打回。今天,我们请到了我们的特邀作者道长来分享应对 4.3 被拒的理解和两类方法。
4.3 是什么
首先我们看一例 iTC 关于 4.3 拒绝的回复: 
Your app duplicates the content and functionality of apps currently available on the App Store.
Apps that simply duplicate content or functionality create clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce the ability of developers to market their apps.
Next Steps
We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
For app design information, check out the following videos: “Best Practices for Great iOS UI Design” and “Designing Intuitive User Experiences,” available on the Apple Developer website.
You may also want to review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for more information on how to create a great user experience in your app.
If you cannot – or choose not to – revise your app to be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may wish to build an HTML5 web app instead. You can distribute web apps directly on your web site; the App Store does not accept or distribute web apps.
HTML5 is the major new version of HTML and enables audio and video to play natively in the browser without requiring proprietary plug-ins. Using HTML5, web apps can look and behave like native iPhone and iPad apps, and using HTML5’s Offline Application Cache, a web app can work even when the device is offline. With web apps, you have flexibility to deliver as much or as little functionality as you desire.
To get started with iPhone or iPad web apps, please review the Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide.
For a description of the HTML elements and attributes you can use in Safari on iPhone, check out Safari HTML Reference: Introduction.
苹果审核条款 4.3 的中文翻译这样的
4.3 垃圾应用
请不要为同一个 App 创建多个套装 ID。如果您的 App 针对特定位置、运动队、大学等存在不同版本,请考虑提交单个 App,并提供 App 内购买以提供差异功能。同时,请避免继续在已有大量类似 App 的类别下进行开发;App Store 上已经有太多模拟放屁、打嗝声音的 App,以及手电筒和***经验 App。上传大量相似版本 App 的开发者会遭到 Apple Developer Program 的除名。
我对 4.3 的理解
简而言之,4.3 是功能或者应用程序重复出现在 App Store,包括相同类型产品功能较一致,以及上传马甲或者分包导致的被拒回复,以下方案希望能帮到大家处理此类问题!
④回复苹果产品设计理念等,表述产品情怀,希望打造独一无二的产品,比如功能目前会跟其他类似,会有相同情况;然后提出产品内某功能加以细节性说明,比如功能在市场上其他人还没做等等(此做法请慎重,描述好了 ok,描述差了打脸)。
您好,针对于贵方提出的 4.3 相关问题,我方目前已修改“地区/售价/分类”,主要目的在于针对不同的人群属性做运营方面的区分,我们希望给予用户不同的产品体验,包括应用程序内的功能侧重点,展现给用户的内容等等;希望贵方能重新审核,及时给予我方 App 通过审核并发布至 App Store。
第二类方法:修改 App 二进制代码
①升级 version,升级一个版本号提交审核;
②换 bundle id,换一个包再提交审核;
④修改素材及 UI 色调等,修改 logo,修改主色调;

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